8 Reasons Video Surveillance is Moving to the Cloud

8 Reasons Video Surveillance is Moving to the Cloud

VSaaS, or Video Surveillance as a Service, refers to hosted cloud-based video surveillance. The service typically includes video recording, storage, remote viewing, management alerts, cybersecurity, and more. More and more businesses have adopted cloud solutions in recent years. This article will cover the top 8 reasons video surveillance is moving to the cloud as a service over traditional DVR, NVR, and VMS options.  

Easy Installation 

Deploying a traditional system is a long, complex process. Companies must install the operating system software, configure routers, set up storage servers, configure cameras, and install application software. Cloud-based solutions, on the other hand, offer an on-demand deployment with plug and play ease. 

Unmatched System Support 

Traditional internet-connected DVR, NVR, and VMS systems require a manually intensive process to support and maintain on-site hardware and software, firmware and configuration updates. Cloud-based VMS/VSaaS support is done off-site by the provider. 

Lower Ownership Costs 

For traditional systems, ownership costs are high. Ongoing costs include annual maintenance fees, router configurations, system configuration and operating system backup, IT staff time, and more. With Cloud-based VMS/VSaaS, the initial and ongoing costs are much lower. 

Storage Flexibility 

With traditional security systems, you’re limited by hardware capacity. If you want to increase the resolution or retention period of your cameras, you must buy additional or replacement hardware. With Cloud-based VMS/VSaaS, you can instantly increase the resolution or retention period without having to modify your existing hardware. 

Easily Add & Manage Cameras 

With traditional systems, once the initial wiring is complete, users must manually connect and configure new cameras. With Cloud-based VMS/VSaaS, once the initial camera wiring is complete, cameras are configured automatically. 

Future Proof 

Traditional systems have a shorter time to obsolescence. Cloud-based VMS/VSaaS systems are continually evolving with new innovations and don’t come with the built-in limitations, both contractual and physical, of traditional systems. 

More Secure 

Traditional systems require the installation of a firewall and the end-user monitors attacks. Cloud-based VMS/VSaaS don’t have the cyber-security vulnerabilities of traditional systems. There are no open ports, no on-site firewalls, and no on-premise software. Some VMS vendors offer dedicated cybersecurity teams to monitor your system. 

Remote Access 

With traditional systems, remote video access is usually not designed into the system, but rather added on later. The quality of video access can be unpredictable, and encryption is rare, creating privacy concerns. Cloud-based systems are architected for remote access and feature secure video access and streaming that can be viewed from anywhere at any time. 

Ready to Move Your Security System to the Cloud? 

Communications Solutions, Inc. has partnered with Eagle Eye Networks to deliver a cloud-based Video Surveillance Solution that gives our customers the best security, features, and capabilities. Our customers can view their video from mobile devices (Android and IOS) and monitor their facilities from anywhere in the world. 

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