The Components of a CCTV System

The Components of a CCTV System

Whether it’s a residential, commercial, or public space, security is a big concern for everyone.

Nothing works better for security than Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems that can prevent, record, investigate, and solve crimes.

They are simple yet effective security camera solutions that do wonders for private and public security. However, the security camera is not the only component at play when it comes to a proper CCTV system.

If you live or work in or around Jacksonville, Communications Solutions Inc. provides the best CCTV solutions in Florida, for your home, work, or business.

With that in mind, let’s discuss all the components of a CCTV system so you have a better understanding of how they work and what it takes for them to function properly.

The Components of a CCTV System

Here are all the components of a CCTV system that make it effective for surveillance and security purposes.

Security Camera

The sole purpose of a security camera is to capture footage, especially in places where there is a high probability or risk of crime. However, this is not always the case, and security cameras are often used in places where there is no recent history of crimes, including homes, offices, buildings, and businesses.

They are often used for surveillance or monitoring, alongside capturing footage. Depending on your needs, you can place multiple security cameras to cover a wide range of spaces and entry points of your home or business.

Three main types of security cameras can be used in a CCTV system, and there are several options between them.

·       Wired Security Cameras

These security cameras use cables, or wiring, to transmit video footage and conduct surveillance. However, the signal transmission is limited to a  300-meter range, beyond which they can weaken because the cabling may not support long-distance transmission.

This problem can be resolved by using appropriate network cables, switches, and signal boosters, the best of which are provided by Communications Solutions Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida. You can also create a network of several wired security cameras interconnected to one or more monitors located in a security room.

·       Analog Cameras

Analog cameras are the norm in most places and have been around for decades. This is partially why they are the most common type of camera used in CCTV systems around the world. They have basic functionality and store footage onsite instead of transmitting it to a monitor or storage device in a different location.

·       IP Cameras

IP (Internet protocol) cameras are the most advanced type of security camera available today. They are similar in function to their analog counterparts but with far greater capabilities. They provide sharper footage with higher resolution images owing to their better camera quality. They are also more flexible and boast options like remote zoom, rotation, and repositioning.

Since they have internet capabilities, you can view the footage on your web browser or smartphone. The Internet protocol also allows you to receive notifications if the cameras record something peculiar.

For example, if there is movement in your business warehouse at 3:00 am, the cameras will instantly send you a message to notify you, and you can remotely view the live activity from your computer or smartphone. These advanced, modern security cameras have immense benefits. However, they are the most expensive of the bunch.

Structured Cabling

One of the most important and lesser-known components of a CCTV system is structured cabling. All the components of a CCTV system require some amount of cabling, even with wireless cameras. The cabling connects the various components or equipment to each other; this includes all the monitors, modems, security cameras, and recorders.

Typically, Ethernet cables or high-speed network cables are used for this purpose. If your business or workplace already has a structured cabling system, installing a CCTV system becomes much easier. However, dedicated cabling is also used for a more secure CCTV system.

You can find the best structured cabling solutions for your business at Communications Solutions Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida.

Video Recorders

A security camera in a CCTV system only produces live footage, and you need a recorder to save this footage so you can go back and view it later. Typical analog cameras have built-in recorders. However, they are limited in their function and storage.

All security cameras can record 24/7; however, this takes up plenty of storage space. Instead, most CCTV systems record during certain hours of the day or when the camera detects movement. You have two options for video recorders, Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) and Network Video Recorders (NVRs).

·       DVR

Before digital video recorders, analog recorders that use videotapes were the norm. DVRs have since replaced analog recorders, and they can capture footage from analog cameras in a digital format. You can set your desired fps (frames per second) and resolution to store footage in the hard disk of your DVR.

When the storage reaches its capacity, new footage can record over the oldest stored footage first. This gives you a recent record of everything in a certain time frame. Depending on the number of cameras and your storage capacity, this time frame could be for the previous week, month, or more.

·       NVR

Network video recorders record footage similar to how a DVR does. However, they are compatible with IP cameras, and unlike DVRs, NVRs connect with security cameras via a router or network switch. These recorders also allow you to access the NVR footage easily through a mobile app or web browser on your smartphone.

Surveillance-Grade Hard Disk Storage

Both DVRs and NVRs of CCTV systems use hard disks for storage of the captured video footage. However, unlike your typical computer hard disk, these recorders require surveillance-grade hard disks that can run, write, and rewrite data 24/7 if required.

For this purpose, the hard disks for a CCTV system are built with more durable and reliable components than regular computer hard disks.

Display Units

Naturally, you will need a display unit to view or monitor recorded or live footage. This is why you must connect your NVR or DVR to a monitor or TV display unit. Display units of a CCTV system can range from a basic monochrome display to a Full HD color monitor.

With IP cameras and NVRs, you can also view live or recorded footage remotely from anywhere in the world using your smartphone or computer.


The mentioned items make up all the components of a CCTV system. However, you need to note that not all of these components are necessary to create a CCTV system. The simplest systems may only need an analog security camera that records 24 hours of footage on-site, or it can simply be an IP camera that only displays live footage from your front door to your smartphone.

Regardless, having a CCTV system is important for your business and home, and everyone should invest in one to improve their security through surveillance and recorded video footage.

We highly recommend Communications Solutions Inc. in Jacksonville for the best security cameras, CCTV systems, and structured cabling for your home or business in Florida.

If you want to learn more about the components of a CCTV system or the best CCTV solutions in Florida, Contact Us Today.



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